Solving Voice Phishing and Smishing Security Issues: SSenStone's Personal Information Authentication Technology

Today, I'd like to discuss a crucial financial security issue that affects us all, and explore the innovative technology designed to address it. 

Specifically, we'll delve into various methods to combat financial fraud like voice phishing and smishing, with a focus on SSenStone's personal information authentication technology.

The Severity of Voice Phishing and Smishing

Voice phishing and smishing are evolving financial scams that increasingly threaten our daily lives.

Voice phishing, or "vishing," involves extracting financial information through phone calls, while smishing utilizes text messages to deceive victims.

These scams often employ tactics that exploit our emotions, such as panic or excitement, to cloud our judgment. Messages like "Suspicious activity detected on your account" or "Congratulations! You've won a prize. Click the link to claim it" lure us into divulging personal information, leading to devastating financial losses.


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@ Unsplash-Eduardo Soares


According to data from the Financial Supervisory Service, the damage caused by voice phishing in Korea last year reached a staggering 195.6 billion won. This figure serves as a stark reminder of the importance of security. So, how can we protect ourselves from these financial scams?


The Importance of Financial Security

As financial transactions become increasingly digital, the importance of security grows exponentially.

Security issues extend beyond mere technical concerns, significantly impacting our daily lives. Therefore, we must continuously strive to create a safer environment for financial transactions.

Enhancing financial security also relies on individual awareness and vigilance. It's crucial to be well-informed about phishing and smishing tactics and to immediately block suspicious calls or messages. Regularly reviewing your financial transaction history and promptly reporting any unusual activity is equally important.


The Financial Sector's Voluntary Compensation System

The financial sector is actively taking steps to address security concerns.

Notably, the voluntary compensation system implemented in January of this year represents a significant advancement. This system allows banks to voluntarily compensate victims of non-face-to-face financial fraud, such as voice phishing.

The voluntary compensation system is a crucial mechanism for protecting the rights and interests of financial consumers. For instance, if a customer falls victim to voice phishing, they can apply for compensation from their bank, which will then conduct an internal review and potentially compensate for the loss. While not all losses are covered, the fact that financial institutions are actively working to protect victims is a positive development.



SSenStone's Financial Security Solution

Now, let's explore SSenStone's financial security solution.

SSenStone offers a more secure authentication method through its OTAC (One-Time Authentication Code) technology. Simply put, OTAC protects your account by generating a new authentication code each time you use it.

OTAC generates a unique, one-time code for each user authentication. Unlike traditional static passwords, OTAC uses a different code each time, making it extremely difficult for hackers to steal or misuse it. For example, every time you use your mobile banking app, a new authentication code is generated, ensuring safer transactions.

OTAC technology offers various advantages. First, it enhances security by generating new codes each time, making it difficult for hackers to compromise. Second, it eliminates the need to memorize passwords, simplifying the authentication process and improving user convenience. Lastly, its applications extend beyond financial transactions, making it a versatile solution for various online services.

Furthermore, SSenStone's OTAC technology supports passwordless authentication. This approach enables secure authentication without the need for passwords, significantly enhancing user convenience. For instance, you can log into a banking app using biometric authentication or one-time codes instead of passwords, eliminating the hassle of remembering them while strengthening security.

Examples of SSenStone's Security Solution Implementation

SSenStone's OTAC technology has already been adopted by various financial institutions, proving its effectiveness.

For instance, a major domestic bank in Korea significantly enhanced its security by implementing OTAC in its mobile banking app. This has enabled customers to conduct financial transactions with greater peace of mind.

Furthermore, customers of financial institutions that have adopted OTAC technology have shown positive feedback overall. The most significant advantage cited was the simplified authentication process through passwordless authentication.


Today, we've discussed the severity of financial security issues like voice phishing and smishing, and explored various methods to combat them.

Both the financial sector's voluntary compensation system and SSenStone's OTAC technology play crucial roles in enabling us to conduct financial transactions more securely. It's important to maintain our vigilance and continue working towards a safer financial environment. I encourage you to stay informed about security issues and practice safe financial habits.








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