News & Information
SSenStone Aired on, JTBC Documentary: ‘New Normal Era: Startups, Fly High”
[JTBC] 2020.12.05 SSenStone was aired on a documentary program titled, “New Normal Era: Startups, Fly High” directed by JTBC at 10am last December...
SSenStone, Web Summit 2020 Final TOP3
The Web Summit 2020, Europe's largest technology conference, was held online and offline for four days, starting December 2nd in Lisbon, Portugal and...
Korea Fintech Support Center-Brussels Invest&Export, hosted
[Hankyung Economy] 2020.12.01 SSenStone provides a security and authentication solution by generating dynamic card numbers in networkless...
Astounding baby unicorn is here
[MK Economy] 2020.11.27 SSenStone is a company specializing in authentication security technology. It has ‘One-Time Authentication Code (OTAC)’...
Baby Unicorn is into Bio & Sw
[MK Economy] 2020.11.27 SSeStone is a start-up specializing in authentication solutions and received the highest score in the selection of Baby...
Thales selected SSenStone as Korea's First 'Global Startup Upbringing Program'
[ET News] 2020.11.23 The UK's global headquarter swIDch, the authentication security technology startup SSenStone (CEO Chang-Hoon Yoo) is a global...
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5F, 329, Cheonho-daero Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Contact below if you have an urgent inquiry.
Korea Office (SSenStone)
5F, 329, Cheonho-daero Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (02622)
Tel : 02-569-9668 | Fax : 02-6455-9668
UK Office (swIDch)
Floor 1, 3 More London SE1 2RE, United Kingdom
Tel : 020-3283-4563